Displays Engine RPM, Displays running time & accumulated, engine hours, Suits all 2 & 4 stroke engines
Can be used on all types of small 2 stroke and 4 stroke engines,
Digital Resettable Tachometer / Hour Meter
Simple clear LCD display
Reliable, stable and extremely accurate engine run time and RPM
Timing System: TOTAL (Total accumulated hours which is not resettable)
Timing System: Job (Recording partial time of engine – viewable and resettable)
Dustproof and waterproof (Waterproof Rate IP68)
When the engine starts LCD real time displays current speed of Engine.
Simple installation on any type of lawnmower.
Fits: Works on any two or four stroke petrol engine up to eight cylinders. Featuring a powerful timing system with press button settings TOT (accumulating total running hours) and JOB (which records partial running time) and a tachometer which measures current engine r.p.m with a refresh rate of 0.5 seconds
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